Running Pace Chart
A running pace chart is a tool that calculates your split times and the target finish time of the race based on your running pace.
It is very simple to use. You just need to know at what pace you can run or what your target finish time is.
If you want to predict the time of your next race, use my Race Time Predictor.
If you would like to download free running pace charts for certain distances, click on the links below:

Running pace chart [min/mi]
If you prefer to use kilometers [min/km], click here.
- The first column shows the running pace expressed in miles per kilometer [min/mi].
- The second column shows the speed at which you are running expressed in miles per hour [mph].
- The following columns show splits at different distances running at the same pace.
To download a free PDF running pace chart in miles, click here.
Pace [min/mi] | Speed [mph] | 5 km | 5 mi | 10 km | 10 mi | HM | 15 mi | 20 mi | 25 mi | M | 50 km | 100 km |
5:00 | 12,0 | 0:15:32 | 0:25:00 | 0:31:05 | 0:50:00 | 1:05:34 | 1:15:00 | 1:40:00 | 2:05:00 | 2:11:07 | 2:35:23 | 5:10:45 |
5:05 | 11,8 | 0:15:48 | 0:25:25 | 0:31:36 | 0:50:50 | 1:06:39 | 1:16:15 | 1:41:40 | 2:07:05 | 2:13:18 | 2:37:58 | 5:15:56 |
5:10 | 11,6 | 0:16:03 | 0:25:50 | 0:32:07 | 0:51:40 | 1:07:45 | 1:17:30 | 1:43:20 | 2:09:10 | 2:15:30 | 2:40:33 | 5:21:07 |
5:15 | 11,4 | 0:16:19 | 0:26:15 | 0:32:38 | 0:52:30 | 1:08:50 | 1:18:45 | 1:45:00 | 2:11:15 | 2:17:41 | 2:43:09 | 5:26:17 |
5:20 | 11,3 | 0:16:34 | 0:26:40 | 0:33:09 | 0:53:20 | 1:09:56 | 1:20:00 | 1:46:40 | 2:13:20 | 2:19:52 | 2:45:44 | 5:31:28 |
5:25 | 11,1 | 0:16:50 | 0:27:05 | 0:33:40 | 0:54:10 | 1:11:01 | 1:21:15 | 1:48:20 | 2:15:25 | 2:22:03 | 2:48:19 | 5:36:39 |
5:30 | 10,9 | 0:17:05 | 0:27:30 | 0:34:11 | 0:55:00 | 1:12:07 | 1:22:30 | 1:50:00 | 2:17:30 | 2:24:14 | 2:50:55 | 5:41:50 |
5:35 | 10,7 | 0:17:21 | 0:27:55 | 0:34:42 | 0:55:50 | 1:13:13 | 1:23:45 | 1:51:40 | 2:19:35 | 2:26:25 | 2:53:30 | 5:47:00 |
5:40 | 10,6 | 0:17:37 | 0:28:20 | 0:35:13 | 0:56:40 | 1:14:18 | 1:25:00 | 1:53:20 | 2:21:40 | 2:28:36 | 2:56:06 | 5:52:11 |
5:45 | 10,4 | 0:17:52 | 0:28:45 | 0:35:44 | 0:57:30 | 1:15:24 | 1:26:15 | 1:55:00 | 2:23:45 | 2:30:47 | 2:58:41 | 5:57:22 |
5:50 | 10,3 | 0:18:08 | 0:29:10 | 0:36:15 | 0:58:20 | 1:16:29 | 1:27:30 | 1:56:40 | 2:25:50 | 2:32:59 | 3:01:16 | 6:02:33 |
5:55 | 10,1 | 0:18:23 | 0:29:35 | 0:36:46 | 0:59:10 | 1:17:35 | 1:28:45 | 1:58:20 | 2:27:55 | 2:35:10 | 3:03:52 | 6:07:43 |
6:00 | 10,0 | 0:18:39 | 0:30:00 | 0:37:17 | 1:00:00 | 1:18:40 | 1:30:00 | 2:00:00 | 2:30:00 | 2:37:21 | 3:06:27 | 6:12:54 |
6:05 | 9,9 | 0:18:54 | 0:30:25 | 0:37:48 | 1:00:50 | 1:19:46 | 1:31:15 | 2:01:40 | 2:32:05 | 2:39:32 | 3:09:02 | 6:18:05 |
6:10 | 9,7 | 0:19:10 | 0:30:50 | 0:38:20 | 1:01:40 | 1:20:52 | 1:32:30 | 2:03:20 | 2:34:10 | 2:41:43 | 3:11:38 | 6:23:16 |
6:15 | 9,6 | 0:19:25 | 0:31:15 | 0:38:51 | 1:02:30 | 1:21:57 | 1:33:45 | 2:05:00 | 2:36:15 | 2:43:54 | 3:14:13 | 6:28:26 |
6:20 | 9,5 | 0:19:41 | 0:31:40 | 0:39:22 | 1:03:20 | 1:23:03 | 1:35:00 | 2:06:40 | 2:38:20 | 2:46:05 | 3:16:49 | 6:33:37 |
6:25 | 9,4 | 0:19:56 | 0:32:05 | 0:39:53 | 1:04:10 | 1:24:08 | 1:36:15 | 2:08:20 | 2:40:25 | 2:48:16 | 3:19:24 | 6:38:48 |
Pace [min/mi] | Speed [mph] | 5 km | 5 mi | 10 km | 10 mi | HM | 15 mi | 20 mi | 25 mi | M | 50 km | 100 km |
6:30 | 9,2 | 0:20:12 | 0:32:30 | 0:40:24 | 1:05:00 | 1:25:14 | 1:37:30 | 2:10:00 | 2:42:30 | 2:50:28 | 3:21:59 | 6:43:59 |
6:35 | 9,1 | 0:20:27 | 0:32:55 | 0:40:55 | 1:05:50 | 1:26:19 | 1:38:45 | 2:11:40 | 2:44:35 | 2:52:39 | 3:24:35 | 6:49:09 |
6:40 | 9,0 | 0:20:43 | 0:33:20 | 0:41:26 | 1:06:40 | 1:27:25 | 1:40:00 | 2:13:20 | 2:46:40 | 2:54:50 | 3:27:10 | 6:54:20 |
6:45 | 8,9 | 0:20:59 | 0:33:45 | 0:41:57 | 1:07:30 | 1:28:30 | 1:41:15 | 2:15:00 | 2:48:45 | 2:57:01 | 3:29:45 | 6:59:31 |
6:50 | 8,8 | 0:21:14 | 0:34:10 | 0:42:28 | 1:08:20 | 1:29:36 | 1:42:30 | 2:16:40 | 2:50:50 | 2:59:12 | 3:32:21 | 7:04:42 |
6:55 | 8,7 | 0:21:30 | 0:34:35 | 0:42:59 | 1:09:10 | 1:30:42 | 1:43:45 | 2:18:20 | 2:52:55 | 3:01:23 | 3:34:56 | 7:09:52 |
7:00 | 8,6 | 0:21:45 | 0:35:00 | 0:43:30 | 1:10:00 | 1:31:47 | 1:45:00 | 2:20:00 | 2:55:00 | 3:03:34 | 3:37:32 | 7:15:03 |
7:05 | 8,5 | 0:22:01 | 0:35:25 | 0:44:01 | 1:10:50 | 1:32:53 | 1:46:15 | 2:21:40 | 2:57:05 | 3:05:45 | 3:40:07 | 7:20:14 |
7:10 | 8,4 | 0:22:16 | 0:35:50 | 0:44:32 | 1:11:40 | 1:33:58 | 1:47:30 | 2:23:20 | 2:59:10 | 3:07:56 | 3:42:42 | 7:25:25 |
7:15 | 8,3 | 0:22:32 | 0:36:15 | 0:45:04 | 1:12:30 | 1:35:04 | 1:48:45 | 2:25:00 | 3:01:15 | 3:10:08 | 3:45:18 | 7:30:35 |
7:20 | 8,2 | 0:22:47 | 0:36:40 | 0:45:35 | 1:13:20 | 1:36:09 | 1:50:00 | 2:26:40 | 3:03:20 | 3:12:19 | 3:47:53 | 7:35:46 |
7:25 | 8,1 | 0:23:03 | 0:37:05 | 0:46:06 | 1:14:10 | 1:37:15 | 1:51:15 | 2:28:20 | 3:05:25 | 3:14:30 | 3:50:28 | 7:40:57 |
7:30 | 8,0 | 0:23:18 | 0:37:30 | 0:46:37 | 1:15:00 | 1:38:20 | 1:52:30 | 2:30:00 | 3:07:30 | 3:16:41 | 3:53:04 | 7:46:08 |
7:35 | 7,9 | 0:23:34 | 0:37:55 | 0:47:08 | 1:15:50 | 1:39:26 | 1:53:45 | 2:31:40 | 3:09:35 | 3:18:52 | 3:55:39 | 7:51:18 |
7:40 | 7,8 | 0:23:49 | 0:38:20 | 0:47:39 | 1:16:40 | 1:40:32 | 1:55:00 | 2:33:20 | 3:11:40 | 3:21:03 | 3:58:15 | 7:56:29 |
7:45 | 7,7 | 0:24:05 | 0:38:45 | 0:48:10 | 1:17:30 | 1:41:37 | 1:56:15 | 2:35:00 | 3:13:45 | 3:23:14 | 4:00:50 | 8:01:40 |
7:50 | 7,7 | 0:24:21 | 0:39:10 | 0:48:41 | 1:18:20 | 1:42:43 | 1:57:30 | 2:36:40 | 3:15:50 | 3:25:25 | 4:03:25 | 8:06:51 |
7:55 | 7,6 | 0:24:36 | 0:39:35 | 0:49:12 | 1:19:10 | 1:43:48 | 1:58:45 | 2:38:20 | 3:17:55 | 3:27:37 | 4:06:01 | 8:12:01 |
Pace [min/mi] | Speed [mph] | 5 km | 5 mi | 10 km | 10 mi | HM | 15 mi | 20 mi | 25 mi | M | 50 km | 100 km |
8:00 | 7,5 | 0:24:52 | 0:40:00 | 0:49:43 | 1:20:00 | 1:44:54 | 2:00:00 | 2:40:00 | 3:20:00 | 3:29:48 | 4:08:36 | 8:17:12 |
8:05 | 7,4 | 0:25:07 | 0:40:25 | 0:50:14 | 1:20:50 | 1:45:59 | 2:01:15 | 2:41:40 | 3:22:05 | 3:31:59 | 4:11:11 | 8:22:23 |
8:10 | 7,3 | 0:25:23 | 0:40:50 | 0:50:45 | 1:21:40 | 1:47:05 | 2:02:30 | 2:43:20 | 3:24:10 | 3:34:10 | 4:13:47 | 8:27:34 |
8:15 | 7,3 | 0:25:38 | 0:41:15 | 0:51:16 | 1:22:30 | 1:48:11 | 2:03:45 | 2:45:00 | 3:26:15 | 3:36:21 | 4:16:22 | 8:32:44 |
8:20 | 7,2 | 0:25:54 | 0:41:40 | 0:51:48 | 1:23:20 | 1:49:16 | 2:05:00 | 2:46:40 | 3:28:20 | 3:38:32 | 4:18:58 | 8:37:55 |
8:25 | 7,1 | 0:26:09 | 0:42:05 | 0:52:19 | 1:24:10 | 1:50:22 | 2:06:15 | 2:48:20 | 3:30:25 | 3:40:43 | 4:21:33 | 8:43:06 |
8:30 | 7,1 | 0:26:25 | 0:42:30 | 0:52:50 | 1:25:00 | 1:51:27 | 2:07:30 | 2:50:00 | 3:32:30 | 3:42:54 | 4:24:08 | 8:48:17 |
8:35 | 7,0 | 0:26:40 | 0:42:55 | 0:53:21 | 1:25:50 | 1:52:33 | 2:08:45 | 2:51:40 | 3:34:35 | 3:45:06 | 4:26:44 | 8:53:27 |
8:40 | 6,9 | 0:26:56 | 0:43:20 | 0:53:52 | 1:26:40 | 1:53:38 | 2:10:00 | 2:53:20 | 3:36:40 | 3:47:17 | 4:29:19 | 8:58:38 |
8:45 | 6,9 | 0:27:11 | 0:43:45 | 0:54:23 | 1:27:30 | 1:54:44 | 2:11:15 | 2:55:00 | 3:38:45 | 3:49:28 | 4:31:54 | 9:03:49 |
8:50 | 6,8 | 0:27:27 | 0:44:10 | 0:54:54 | 1:28:20 | 1:55:49 | 2:12:30 | 2:56:40 | 3:40:50 | 3:51:39 | 4:34:30 | 9:09:00 |
8:55 | 6,7 | 0:27:43 | 0:44:35 | 0:55:25 | 1:29:10 | 1:56:55 | 2:13:45 | 2:58:20 | 3:42:55 | 3:53:50 | 4:37:05 | 9:14:10 |
9:00 | 6,7 | 0:27:58 | 0:45:00 | 0:55:56 | 1:30:00 | 1:58:01 | 2:15:00 | 3:00:00 | 3:45:00 | 3:56:01 | 4:39:41 | 9:19:21 |
9:05 | 6,6 | 0:28:14 | 0:45:25 | 0:56:27 | 1:30:50 | 1:59:06 | 2:16:15 | 3:01:40 | 3:47:05 | 3:58:12 | 4:42:16 | 9:24:32 |
9:10 | 6,5 | 0:28:29 | 0:45:50 | 0:56:58 | 1:31:40 | 2:00:12 | 2:17:30 | 3:03:20 | 3:49:10 | 4:00:23 | 4:44:51 | 9:29:43 |
9:15 | 6,5 | 0:28:45 | 0:46:15 | 0:57:29 | 1:32:30 | 2:01:17 | 2:18:45 | 3:05:00 | 3:51:15 | 4:02:35 | 4:47:27 | 9:34:53 |
9:20 | 6,4 | 0:29:00 | 0:46:40 | 0:58:00 | 1:33:20 | 2:02:23 | 2:20:00 | 3:06:40 | 3:53:20 | 4:04:46 | 4:50:02 | 9:40:04 |
9:25 | 6,4 | 0:29:16 | 0:47:05 | 0:58:31 | 1:34:10 | 2:03:28 | 2:21:15 | 3:08:20 | 3:55:25 | 4:06:57 | 4:52:37 | 9:45:15 |
Pace [min/mi] | Speed [mph] | 5 km | 5 mi | 10 km | 10 mi | HM | 15 mi | 20 mi | 25 mi | M | 50 km | 100 km |
9:30 | 6,3 | 0:29:31 | 0:47:30 | 0:59:03 | 1:35:00 | 2:04:34 | 2:22:30 | 3:10:00 | 3:57:30 | 4:09:08 | 4:55:13 | 9:50:26 |
9:35 | 6,3 | 0:29:47 | 0:47:55 | 0:59:34 | 1:35:50 | 2:05:40 | 2:23:45 | 3:11:40 | 3:59:35 | 4:11:19 | 4:57:48 | 9:55:36 |
9:40 | 6,2 | 0:30:02 | 0:48:20 | 1:00:05 | 1:36:40 | 2:06:45 | 2:25:00 | 3:13:20 | 4:01:40 | 4:13:30 | 5:00:24 | 10:00:47 |
9:45 | 6,2 | 0:30:18 | 0:48:45 | 1:00:36 | 1:37:30 | 2:07:51 | 2:26:15 | 3:15:00 | 4:03:45 | 4:15:41 | 5:02:59 | 10:05:58 |
9:50 | 6,1 | 0:30:33 | 0:49:10 | 1:01:07 | 1:38:20 | 2:08:56 | 2:27:30 | 3:16:40 | 4:05:50 | 4:17:52 | 5:05:34 | 10:11:09 |
9:55 | 6,1 | 0:30:49 | 0:49:35 | 1:01:38 | 1:39:10 | 2:10:02 | 2:28:45 | 3:18:20 | 4:07:55 | 4:20:03 | 5:08:10 | 10:16:19 |
10:00 | 6,0 | 0:31:05 | 0:50:00 | 1:02:09 | 1:40:00 | 2:11:07 | 2:30:00 | 3:20:00 | 4:10:00 | 4:22:15 | 5:10:45 | 10:21:30 |
10:05 | 6,0 | 0:31:20 | 0:50:25 | 1:02:40 | 1:40:50 | 2:12:13 | 2:31:15 | 3:21:40 | 4:12:05 | 4:24:26 | 5:13:20 | 10:26:41 |
10:10 | 5,9 | 0:31:36 | 0:50:50 | 1:03:11 | 1:41:40 | 2:13:18 | 2:32:30 | 3:23:20 | 4:14:10 | 4:26:37 | 5:15:56 | 10:31:52 |
10:15 | 5,9 | 0:31:51 | 0:51:15 | 1:03:42 | 1:42:30 | 2:14:24 | 2:33:45 | 3:25:00 | 4:16:15 | 4:28:48 | 5:18:31 | 10:37:02 |
10:20 | 5,8 | 0:32:07 | 0:51:40 | 1:04:13 | 1:43:20 | 2:15:30 | 2:35:00 | 3:26:40 | 4:18:20 | 4:30:59 | 5:21:07 | 10:42:13 |
10:25 | 5,8 | 0:32:22 | 0:52:05 | 1:04:44 | 1:44:10 | 2:16:35 | 2:36:15 | 3:28:20 | 4:20:25 | 4:33:10 | 5:23:42 | 10:47:24 |
10:30 | 5,7 | 0:32:38 | 0:52:30 | 1:05:15 | 1:45:00 | 2:17:41 | 2:37:30 | 3:30:00 | 4:22:30 | 4:35:21 | 5:26:17 | 10:52:35 |
10:35 | 5,7 | 0:32:53 | 0:52:55 | 1:05:47 | 1:45:50 | 2:18:46 | 2:38:45 | 3:31:40 | 4:24:35 | 4:37:32 | 5:28:53 | 10:57:46 |
10:40 | 5,6 | 0:33:09 | 0:53:20 | 1:06:18 | 1:46:40 | 2:19:52 | 2:40:00 | 3:33:20 | 4:26:40 | 4:39:44 | 5:31:28 | 11:02:56 |
10:45 | 5,6 | 0:33:24 | 0:53:45 | 1:06:49 | 1:47:30 | 2:20:57 | 2:41:15 | 3:35:00 | 4:28:45 | 4:41:55 | 5:34:04 | 11:08:07 |
10:50 | 5,5 | 0:33:40 | 0:54:10 | 1:07:20 | 1:48:20 | 2:22:03 | 2:42:30 | 3:36:40 | 4:30:50 | 4:44:06 | 5:36:39 | 11:13:18 |
10:55 | 5,5 | 0:33:55 | 0:54:35 | 1:07:51 | 1:49:10 | 2:23:08 | 2:43:45 | 3:38:20 | 4:32:55 | 4:46:17 | 5:39:14 | 11:18:29 |
Running pace chart [min/km]
If you prefer to use miles [min/mi], click here.
- The first column shows the running pace expressed in minutes per kilometer [min/km].
- The second column shows the speed at which you are running expressed in kilometers per hour [km/h].
- The following columns show splits at different distances running at the same pace.
To download a free PDF running pace chart in kilometers, click here.
Pace [min/km] | Speed [km/h] | 5 km | 10 km | 15 km | 20 km | HM | 25 km | 30 km | 35 km | 40 km | M | 50 km | 100 km |
3:00 | 20,0 | 0:15:00 | 0:30:00 | 0:45:00 | 1:00:00 | 1:03:18 | 1:15:00 | 1:30:00 | 1:45:00 | 2:00:00 | 2:06:35 | 2:30:00 | 5:00:00 |
3:05 | 19,5 | 0:15:25 | 0:30:50 | 0:46:15 | 1:01:40 | 1:05:03 | 1:17:05 | 1:32:30 | 1:47:55 | 2:03:20 | 2:10:06 | 2:34:10 | 5:08:20 |
3:10 | 18,9 | 0:15:50 | 0:31:40 | 0:47:30 | 1:03:20 | 1:06:49 | 1:19:10 | 1:35:00 | 1:50:50 | 2:06:40 | 2:13:37 | 2:38:20 | 5:16:40 |
3:15 | 18,5 | 0:16:15 | 0:32:30 | 0:48:45 | 1:05:00 | 1:08:34 | 1:21:15 | 1:37:30 | 1:53:45 | 2:10:00 | 2:17:08 | 2:42:30 | 5:25:00 |
3:20 | 18,0 | 0:16:40 | 0:33:20 | 0:50:00 | 1:06:40 | 1:10:19 | 1:23:20 | 1:40:00 | 1:56:40 | 2:13:20 | 2:20:39 | 2:46:40 | 5:33:20 |
3:25 | 17,6 | 0:17:05 | 0:34:10 | 0:51:15 | 1:08:20 | 1:12:05 | 1:25:25 | 1:42:30 | 1:59:35 | 2:16:40 | 2:24:10 | 2:50:50 | 5:41:40 |
3:30 | 17,1 | 0:17:30 | 0:35:00 | 0:52:30 | 1:10:00 | 1:13:50 | 1:27:30 | 1:45:00 | 2:02:30 | 2:20:00 | 2:27:41 | 2:55:00 | 5:50:00 |
3:35 | 16,7 | 0:17:55 | 0:35:50 | 0:53:45 | 1:11:40 | 1:15:36 | 1:29:35 | 1:47:30 | 2:05:25 | 2:23:20 | 2:31:12 | 2:59:10 | 5:58:20 |
3:40 | 16,4 | 0:18:20 | 0:36:40 | 0:55:00 | 1:13:20 | 1:17:21 | 1:31:40 | 1:50:00 | 2:08:20 | 2:26:40 | 2:34:43 | 3:03:20 | 6:06:40 |
3:45 | 16,0 | 0:18:45 | 0:37:30 | 0:56:15 | 1:15:00 | 1:19:07 | 1:33:45 | 1:52:30 | 2:11:15 | 2:30:00 | 2:38:14 | 3:07:30 | 6:15:00 |
3:50 | 15,7 | 0:19:10 | 0:38:20 | 0:57:30 | 1:16:40 | 1:20:52 | 1:35:50 | 1:55:00 | 2:14:10 | 2:33:20 | 2:41:45 | 3:11:40 | 6:23:20 |
3:55 | 15,3 | 0:19:35 | 0:39:10 | 0:58:45 | 1:18:20 | 1:22:38 | 1:37:55 | 1:57:30 | 2:17:05 | 2:36:40 | 2:45:16 | 3:15:50 | 6:31:40 |
4:00 | 15,0 | 0:20:00 | 0:40:00 | 1:00:00 | 1:20:00 | 1:24:23 | 1:40:00 | 2:00:00 | 2:20:00 | 2:40:00 | 2:48:47 | 3:20:00 | 6:40:00 |
4:05 | 14,7 | 0:20:25 | 0:40:50 | 1:01:15 | 1:21:40 | 1:26:09 | 1:42:05 | 2:02:30 | 2:22:55 | 2:43:20 | 2:52:18 | 3:24:10 | 6:48:20 |
4:10 | 14,4 | 0:20:50 | 0:41:40 | 1:02:30 | 1:23:20 | 1:27:54 | 1:44:10 | 2:05:00 | 2:25:50 | 2:46:40 | 2:55:49 | 3:28:20 | 6:56:40 |
4:15 | 14,1 | 0:21:15 | 0:42:30 | 1:03:45 | 1:25:00 | 1:29:40 | 1:46:15 | 2:07:30 | 2:28:45 | 2:50:00 | 2:59:20 | 3:32:30 | 7:05:00 |
4:20 | 13,8 | 0:21:40 | 0:43:20 | 1:05:00 | 1:26:40 | 1:31:25 | 1:48:20 | 2:10:00 | 2:31:40 | 2:53:20 | 3:02:51 | 3:36:40 | 7:13:20 |
4:25 | 13,6 | 0:22:05 | 0:44:10 | 1:06:15 | 1:28:20 | 1:33:11 | 1:50:25 | 2:12:30 | 2:34:35 | 2:56:40 | 3:06:22 | 3:40:50 | 7:21:40 |
Pace [min/km] | Speed [km/h] | 5 km | 10 km | 15 km | 20 km | HM | 25 km | 30 km | 35 km | 40 km | M | 50 km | 100 km |
4:30 | 13,3 | 0:22:30 | 0:45:00 | 1:07:30 | 1:30:00 | 1:34:56 | 1:52:30 | 2:15:00 | 2:37:30 | 3:00:00 | 3:09:53 | 3:45:00 | 7:30:00 |
4:35 | 13,1 | 0:22:55 | 0:45:50 | 1:08:45 | 1:31:40 | 1:36:42 | 1:54:35 | 2:17:30 | 2:40:25 | 3:03:20 | 3:13:24 | 3:49:10 | 7:38:20 |
4:40 | 12,9 | 0:23:20 | 0:46:40 | 1:10:00 | 1:33:20 | 1:38:27 | 1:56:40 | 2:20:00 | 2:43:20 | 3:06:40 | 3:16:55 | 3:53:20 | 7:46:40 |
4:45 | 12,6 | 0:23:45 | 0:47:30 | 1:11:15 | 1:35:00 | 1:40:13 | 1:58:45 | 2:22:30 | 2:46:15 | 3:10:00 | 3:20:26 | 3:57:30 | 7:55:00 |
4:50 | 12,4 | 0:24:10 | 0:48:20 | 1:12:30 | 1:36:40 | 1:41:58 | 2:00:50 | 2:25:00 | 2:49:10 | 3:13:20 | 3:23:57 | 4:01:40 | 8:03:20 |
4:55 | 12,2 | 0:24:35 | 0:49:10 | 1:13:45 | 1:38:20 | 1:43:44 | 2:02:55 | 2:27:30 | 2:52:05 | 3:16:40 | 3:27:28 | 4:05:50 | 8:11:40 |
5:00 | 12,0 | 0:25:00 | 0:50:00 | 1:15:00 | 1:40:00 | 1:45:29 | 2:05:00 | 2:30:00 | 2:55:00 | 3:20:00 | 3:30:59 | 4:10:00 | 8:20:00 |
5:05 | 11,8 | 0:25:25 | 0:50:50 | 1:16:15 | 1:41:40 | 1:47:15 | 2:07:05 | 2:32:30 | 2:57:55 | 3:23:20 | 3:34:29 | 4:14:10 | 8:28:20 |
5:10 | 11,6 | 0:25:50 | 0:51:40 | 1:17:30 | 1:43:20 | 1:49:00 | 2:09:10 | 2:35:00 | 3:00:50 | 3:26:40 | 3:38:00 | 4:18:20 | 8:36:40 |
5:15 | 11,4 | 0:26:15 | 0:52:30 | 1:18:45 | 1:45:00 | 1:50:46 | 2:11:15 | 2:37:30 | 3:03:45 | 3:30:00 | 3:41:31 | 4:22:30 | 8:45:00 |
5:20 | 11,3 | 0:26:40 | 0:53:20 | 1:20:00 | 1:46:40 | 1:52:31 | 2:13:20 | 2:40:00 | 3:06:40 | 3:33:20 | 3:45:02 | 4:26:40 | 8:53:20 |
5:25 | 11,1 | 0:27:05 | 0:54:10 | 1:21:15 | 1:48:20 | 1:54:17 | 2:15:25 | 2:42:30 | 3:09:35 | 3:36:40 | 3:48:33 | 4:30:50 | 9:01:40 |
5:30 | 10,9 | 0:27:30 | 0:55:00 | 1:22:30 | 1:50:00 | 1:56:02 | 2:17:30 | 2:45:00 | 3:12:30 | 3:40:00 | 3:52:04 | 4:35:00 | 9:10:00 |
5:35 | 10,7 | 0:27:55 | 0:55:50 | 1:23:45 | 1:51:40 | 1:57:48 | 2:19:35 | 2:47:30 | 3:15:25 | 3:43:20 | 3:55:35 | 4:39:10 | 9:18:20 |
5:40 | 10,6 | 0:28:20 | 0:56:40 | 1:25:00 | 1:53:20 | 1:59:33 | 2:21:40 | 2:50:00 | 3:18:20 | 3:46:40 | 3:59:06 | 4:43:20 | 9:26:40 |
5:45 | 10,4 | 0:28:45 | 0:57:30 | 1:26:15 | 1:55:00 | 2:01:19 | 2:23:45 | 2:52:30 | 3:21:15 | 3:50:00 | 4:02:37 | 4:47:30 | 9:35:00 |
5:50 | 10,3 | 0:29:10 | 0:58:20 | 1:27:30 | 1:56:40 | 2:03:04 | 2:25:50 | 2:55:00 | 3:24:10 | 3:53:20 | 4:06:08 | 4:51:40 | 9:43:20 |
5:55 | 10,1 | 0:29:35 | 0:59:10 | 1:28:45 | 1:58:20 | 2:04:50 | 2:27:55 | 2:57:30 | 3:27:05 | 3:56:40 | 4:09:39 | 4:55:50 | 9:51:40 |
Pace [min/km] | Speed [km/h] | 5 km | 10 km | 15 km | 20 km | HM | 25 km | 30 km | 35 km | 40 km | M | 50 km | 100 km |
6:00 | 10,0 | 0:30:00 | 1:00:00 | 1:30:00 | 2:00:00 | 2:06:35 | 2:30:00 | 3:00:00 | 3:30:00 | 4:00:00 | 4:13:10 | 5:00:00 | 10:00:00 |
6:05 | 9,9 | 0:30:25 | 1:00:50 | 1:31:15 | 2:01:40 | 2:08:21 | 2:32:05 | 3:02:30 | 3:32:55 | 4:03:20 | 4:16:41 | 5:04:10 | 10:08:20 |
6:10 | 9,7 | 0:30:50 | 1:01:40 | 1:32:30 | 2:03:20 | 2:10:06 | 2:34:10 | 3:05:00 | 3:35:50 | 4:06:40 | 4:20:12 | 5:08:20 | 10:16:40 |
6:15 | 9,6 | 0:31:15 | 1:02:30 | 1:33:45 | 2:05:00 | 2:11:52 | 2:36:15 | 3:07:30 | 3:38:45 | 4:10:00 | 4:23:43 | 5:12:30 | 10:25:00 |
6:20 | 9,5 | 0:31:40 | 1:03:20 | 1:35:00 | 2:06:40 | 2:13:37 | 2:38:20 | 3:10:00 | 3:41:40 | 4:13:20 | 4:27:14 | 5:16:40 | 10:33:20 |
6:25 | 9,4 | 0:32:05 | 1:04:10 | 1:36:15 | 2:08:20 | 2:15:23 | 2:40:25 | 3:12:30 | 3:44:35 | 4:16:40 | 4:30:45 | 5:20:50 | 10:41:40 |
6:30 | 9,2 | 0:32:30 | 1:05:00 | 1:37:30 | 2:10:00 | 2:17:08 | 2:42:30 | 3:15:00 | 3:47:30 | 4:20:00 | 4:34:16 | 5:25:00 | 10:50:00 |
6:35 | 9,1 | 0:32:55 | 1:05:50 | 1:38:45 | 2:11:40 | 2:18:54 | 2:44:35 | 3:17:30 | 3:50:25 | 4:23:20 | 4:37:47 | 5:29:10 | 10:58:20 |
6:40 | 9,0 | 0:33:20 | 1:06:40 | 1:40:00 | 2:13:20 | 2:20:39 | 2:46:40 | 3:20:00 | 3:53:20 | 4:26:40 | 4:41:18 | 5:33:20 | 11:06:40 |
6:45 | 8,9 | 0:33:45 | 1:07:30 | 1:41:15 | 2:15:00 | 2:22:24 | 2:48:45 | 3:22:30 | 3:56:15 | 4:30:00 | 4:44:49 | 5:37:30 | 11:15:00 |
6:50 | 8,8 | 0:34:10 | 1:08:20 | 1:42:30 | 2:16:40 | 2:24:10 | 2:50:50 | 3:25:00 | 3:59:10 | 4:33:20 | 4:48:20 | 5:41:40 | 11:23:20 |
6:55 | 8,7 | 0:34:35 | 1:09:10 | 1:43:45 | 2:18:20 | 2:25:55 | 2:52:55 | 3:27:30 | 4:02:05 | 4:36:40 | 4:51:51 | 5:45:50 | 11:31:40 |
7:00 | 8,6 | 0:35:00 | 1:10:00 | 1:45:00 | 2:20:00 | 2:27:41 | 2:55:00 | 3:30:00 | 4:05:00 | 4:40:00 | 4:55:22 | 5:50:00 | 11:40:00 |
7:05 | 8,5 | 0:35:25 | 1:10:50 | 1:46:15 | 2:21:40 | 2:29:26 | 2:57:05 | 3:32:30 | 4:07:55 | 4:43:20 | 4:58:53 | 5:54:10 | 11:48:20 |
7:10 | 8,4 | 0:35:50 | 1:11:40 | 1:47:30 | 2:23:20 | 2:31:12 | 2:59:10 | 3:35:00 | 4:10:50 | 4:46:40 | 5:02:24 | 5:58:20 | 11:56:40 |
7:15 | 8,3 | 0:36:15 | 1:12:30 | 1:48:45 | 2:25:00 | 2:32:57 | 3:01:15 | 3:37:30 | 4:13:45 | 4:50:00 | 5:05:55 | 6:02:30 | 12:05:00 |
7:20 | 8,2 | 0:36:40 | 1:13:20 | 1:50:00 | 2:26:40 | 2:34:43 | 3:03:20 | 3:40:00 | 4:16:40 | 4:53:20 | 5:09:26 | 6:06:40 | 12:13:20 |
7:25 | 8,1 | 0:37:05 | 1:14:10 | 1:51:15 | 2:28:20 | 2:36:28 | 3:05:25 | 3:42:30 | 4:19:35 | 4:56:40 | 5:12:57 | 6:10:50 | 12:21:40 |
Why should you use the running pace chart?
It is important to use the running pace chart so that you can determine your running pace and calculate your split times for the race.
If you are running your first race or if you want to run your personal best, you need to predetermine your running pace so that you can run “smarter”, with respect to your current fitness level.
That way, you will avoid running too fast in the earlier stages of the race and prevent the appearance of fatigue early in the race.
The perfect race is run with minimal pace changes. To know the pace at which you should run and what your split times are, use the marathon pace chart. That way, you will avoid running too fast in the earlier stages of the race and prevent the appearance of fatigue early in the race.
It is better to start slower than too fast.
This research speaks in favor of this. World records of 5,000 meters to the marathon, in the women’s and men’s categories, were set by running a negative split, which means running the first part of the race slower than the second.
It is a thin line between your new personal best and a bad race, so be careful!
It is important to control the pace and not let the adrenaline overwhelm you or the other runners influence you.
Controlling your running pace is a skill that requires time to master. Be patient and listen to your body.
Most races have their own pacemakers (rabbits), runners who dictate a certain pace during the race.
Choose a pacemaker that will run your nearest desired time of the race.
Follow a group of runners and let pacemakers control the pace at which you need to run.
Aside from not having to look at your watch, it’s much easier to run in a group.

Matea Matošević
Hi, I’m Matea! I’m an Olympic Marathon Runner, founder, and writer behind On this site, I provide help in the form of my knowledge and experience to all who love running and active living. Read more…