How To Prepare For a 10K Race The Night Before?
You have put in a lot of hard work and training and you have a 10K race ahead of you.
Do you know that certain procedures can reduce the success of the race, despite hard training?
In this article, I will share with you tips on how to prepare the night before a 10K race so that you are ready for the start and get the most out of it.
Have you ever heard of the “nothing new on race day” rule? This rule applies not only to nutrition and hydration but also to your running shoes, gear, and clothing. Use the long run workouts to know what gear suits you and avoid unnecessary discomfort and surprises during the race.

1. Pay attention to what you eat for dinner
The night before your 10K race, avoid high fiber, hard-to-digest, spicy, and fatty foods to avoid digestive problems during running.
Eat the same meal you normally ate the night before your long run workouts.
Choose foods rich in carbohydrates to replenish your glycogen stores and provide you with energy. My favorite dinner before a 10K race is tomato pasta.
If you are on the road, plan ahead and prepare the meals you eat the night before and the morning of the race day.
Always choose familiar foods. A race is not the time to experiment because you never know how your body will react to which foods.
2. Properly hydrate
What we eat is important, but so is what and how much we drink.
Take in plenty of fluids the day before. Make sure you don’t overdo it, though, so you don’t have trouble sleeping and waking up at night to go to the toilet.
3. Avoid alcohol
Alcohol the night before a race is not desirable for several reasons.
Aside from not being properly hydrated, your body will be too busy eliminating toxins and you won’t be able to run as hard as you could.
Alcohol has a diuretic property that can lead to rapid dehydration and decreased athletic performance.
Research has shown an approximate 11% decrease in aerobic capacity in those exercising with a hangover.
4. Check the weather forecast
Check the weather forecast the night before to know how to dress and what equipment you will need.
5. Prepare your running gear
Make sure you have everything you need for the run, such as the right shoes, a water bottle, and any other items you may need.
This way you will avoid unnecessary stress on the morning of the race itself.
Choose comfortable clothes for the run that will not scratch or rub when you run.
Try on all the gear you’ll be wearing on race day in long run sessions to avoid discomfort on race day. Pay attention to every detail, from your running socks to your hat.
Never run a race in new running shoes, even if they are the same model. The sneakers should be worn in beforehand, in order to adapt to your foot. In this way, you will reduce the possibility of blisters.

6. Prepare chip and bib
Attach your bib and chip the night before the race so you don’t forget in the morning.
7. Charge your phone and running watch
The night before the race, charge the devices you will be carrying.
You certainly don’t want to be greeted by an empty watch in the morning.
8. Prepare your race fuel
The night before, prepare what you will consume before, during, and after the race, whether it is an energy gel, an isotonic drink, or an energy bar.
9. Check your logistics
Work everything out to the smallest detail so there are as few surprises as possible before the race.
Determine where you will meet your friends, where you will park, how you will get to the start, and where you will leave your belongings during the race.
Also, think about where you will take your car keys.
10. Look at all the training you have done
Before the race, tension and excitement often build.
Go through your running log the night before and remind yourself of all the workouts you have done.
This will give you confidence and you will be better mentally prepared for the race.
11. Review your race plan
The night before the race, inspect the course and work out a race strategy to avoid premature fatigue and get the most out of it.

12. Set alarms
Set multiple alarms to make sure you get up on time.
You should set them for at least 3-4 hours before your race, to fully wake up and to ensure a calm pre-race routine.
13. Try to go to bed early
Try to get as much rest as possible so you feel physically and mentally ready on race day.
If you show up to the race exhausted, it will have a negative impact on your run.
The race usually starts in the morning, which means you will have to get up relatively early.
Try to go to bed earlier the night before. This is advice that is often difficult to implement.
The excitement before the race grows and no matter how hard you try to fall asleep, you can’t. Do not let this put you off your game.
A sleepless night before the race will not have such a negative impact on the race itself if you slept well the previous days.
Make sure you get a good night’s sleep two days before the race. Inadequate rest contributes to increased stress, fatigue, and lack of concentration.
Quality sleep will help you feel energized and ready for race day.
Get plenty of rest in the days leading up to the race so that you are physically and mentally ready when the race begins. If you show up to the race exhausted, it will negatively affect your run and you will not be able to get the most out of it.
Don’t worry if you don’t sleep well the night before the race. As long as you rested enough in the week leading up to the race, it won’t have that much of a negative impact on the race itself.
Good luck to all of you wherever you are racing! I wish you to achieve your personal goals and, most of all, enjoy every mile.

Matea Matošević
Hi, I’m Matea! I’m an Olympic Marathon Runner, founder, and writer behind On this site, I provide help in the form of my knowledge and experience to all who love running and active living. Read more…