If you would like to train as efficiently as possible, without accumulating unnecessary miles, choose a Training Plan for Runners.

How Long Does it Take to Run 30 Miles? (Explained in Detail)

Running 30 miles is a grueling challenge that tests both physical endurance and mental strength.

It requires structured training, unwavering determination, and a deep passion for running.

In this article, you will find out how long it takes to run 30 miles and you will find answers to the most common questions on this topic.

The average time to run 30 miles is around 5 hours, which means that the average running pace is 10:00 minutes per mile. Numerous factors, such as age, sex, fitness level, experience, weather, and terrain will all affect the result.

Depending on the running pace, the table shows how long it takes to run 30 miles.

Minutes per mileMinutes per kilometer30 miles

You can use my running pace calculator to calculate the time it takes to run 30 miles running at a certain pace.

You can also calculate how fast you will run if you run 30 miles in a certain amount of time.

how long does it take to run 30 miles

What is the average 30-mile run time for beginners?

The average 30-mile run time for beginners can vary widely based on individual fitness levels, training, and experience.

However, it’s important to note that a 30-mile run is a significant distance and is typically not recommended for beginners.

Most beginners start with shorter distances and gradually increase their mileage over time to prevent injuries and build endurance.

It’s crucial for beginners to focus on building a solid running foundation, gradually increasing mileage, and listening to their bodies to avoid overexertion and injuries.

Most beginner training programs, like Couch to 5K or similar plans, start with shorter distances and gradually increase the mileage over several weeks.

These programs are designed to help beginners build endurance and strength safely, reducing the risk of injuries.

Read more: Couch to 5K Training Plan (FREE PDF)

Why is it good to take walk breaks during training

If you are a beginner, you might not be able to run the whole distance continuously without stopping. In that case, combine running and walking segments.

For example, your training session can consist of 6 alternations between 5 minutes of running and 2 minutes of walking.


If you are a beginner, walk breaks are a useful training method that will help you build your fitness. Over time, you will build enough endurance and you will no longer need walk breaks.

Read more: Is It Bad To Take Walk Breaks During A Run?

What is the average 30-mile run time for advanced runners?

For advanced runners, the average 30-mile time is about 3 hours 45 minutes, which means that the average running pace is 7:30 minutes per mile.

What is a good time for a 30-mile run?

Most runners think that a good 30-mile time is everything under 3 hours 30 minutes (average running pace 7 minutes per mile.

Good 30-mile time depends on numerous factors, such as age, sex, fitness level, experience, time, and terrain on which you run.

It is difficult to give a precise answer because it varies from person to person.

For someone, a good 30-mile time will be 4 hours, while another runner will be unhappy with that result. A good 30-mile time is a result you will be happy with.


Don’t compare yourself to others. Everyone is different. Follow your results and push your boundaries. Enjoy running and progress gradually to train without injury because that’s most important.

Is running 30 miles a day too much?

Running 30 miles a day is an exceptionally high volume of running and should only be attempted by experienced and well-trained athletes under proper supervision.

For the average person, this level of daily mileage is likely excessive and can lead to various issues such as overuse injuries, mental burnout, and hormonal imbalances.

It’s crucial to consider individual factors like fitness level, training history, and overall health.

Even professional runners don’t consistently run such long distances daily. Adequate rest and recovery are vital for preventing injuries and allowing the body to adapt and improve.

Is running 30 miles a week enough?

Running 30 miles a week can be a substantial and beneficial amount of exercise for many people, but whether it’s “enough” depends on individual fitness goals, overall health, and other factors such as diet and cross-training activities.

For general cardiovascular health and maintaining a basic level of fitness, 30 miles a week can be more than sufficient.

It’s also a good goal for many recreational runners.

However, if someone is training for a marathon or an ultramarathon, they might need to run considerably more miles per week to prepare adequately.

Quality of miles matters as well.

Running 30 miles a week with a well-structured training plan, incorporating speed work, tempo runs, and adequate rest, can be more beneficial than just accumulating miles without a plan.

It’s important to consider one’s overall health and well-being.

Running too much without proper rest and recovery can lead to overuse injuries and burnout.

It’s crucial to listen to your body and allow for adequate rest days to prevent injuries and promote overall well-being.

How many calories does running 30 miles burn?

Running 30 miles will burn you an average of about 3000 calories.

The exact number of calories spent while running 30 miles depends on the runner’s weight and fitness level, their pace, the terrain they run on, and the weather conditions.

The heavier you are, the more calories you will burn because you have to carry more weight and work harder to run the same distance at the same pace.


According to the calories burned running calculator, a runner who weighs 180 lbs will spend approximately 4200 calories by running 30 miles at a pace of 10:00 minutes per mile, while a 130 lbs runner will spend approximately 3024 calories.

Read more: How Heavy Is Too Heavy to Run? (17 Tips for Heavy Runners)

How to run 30 miles without stopping?

To run 30 miles continuously, without stopping, follow these tips:

  • Initially, combine running and walking segments
  • Gradually shorten your walking segments and run longer
  • Train at least 3 times a week
  • Take at least 1 day off between workouts
  • Don’t think about pace, listen to your body
  • Run at a conversational pace at which you can say a full sentence while running without exhausting yourself
  • Refuel with a balanced meal after the run and prioritize rest and recovery

How many steps is 30 miles?

It takes approximately 54000 steps to walk 30 miles, and approximately 42000 steps to run 30 miles.

To calculate an accurate figure, you need to consider several different factors, such as gender, height, weight, stride length, and pace of walking or running.

For example, a shorter person will have to take many more steps to cover the same distance, unlike a taller person.

You can use a calculator to determine exactly how many steps you have taken in 30 miles of walking or running.

The study calculated the average number of steps that need to be taken per mile while walking or running.

The table shows an overview of the steps required to cross 30 miles at a given speed.

MilesAverage walk
20:00 min/mi
12:26 min/km
Brisk walk
5:00 min/mi
9:19 min/km
10:00 min/mi
6:13 min/km
Fat run
8:00 min/mi
4:58 min/km
12252 steps per mile1935 steps per mile1672 steps per mile1400 steps per mile
3067560 steps per mile58050 steps per mile50160 steps per mile42000 steps per mile
Different Types of Runs

How to train for 30 miles?

Training for a 30-mile run requires a structured and progressive approach.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you train effectively and safely:

1. Assess Your Fitness Level

Evaluate your current fitness level and running experience.

Be honest about your abilities and any past injuries.

2. Set a Training Schedule

Create a training plan that spans several weeks, gradually increasing mileage and intensity.

A typical training cycle for a beginner might be 16-18 weeks long.

3. Weekly Running Schedule

One workout a week should be a very easy run with strides at the end.

This way you will add speed to your workout, and you will be more prepared for the next more intense workout.

Then the second and third workouts of the week should be fartlek training, intervals, or tempo runs.

 If you train 3 times a week then one day a week you should do one of these 3 types of training.

The fourth workout of the week should be a long run.

The long run will improve your endurance and resistance to fatigue.

Take at least one day off between workouts.

What is fartlek training

4. Nutrition and Hydration

Pay attention to your nutrition, ensuring you’re getting enough carbohydrates for energy and protein for muscle repair.

Stay well-hydrated, especially during long runs.

5. Gradual Mileage Increase

Increase your mileage by no more than 10% each week to prevent overuse injuries.

Respect the taper period before your event, where you reduce mileage to allow your body to rest and recover.

6. Strength Training and Stretching

Incorporate strength training exercises focusing on your legs, core, and overall body.

This helps improve your overall fitness and prevents injuries.

Regularly stretch to improve flexibility and reduce muscle tightness.

Read more: Strength Training for Runners (Top 19 Workout Exercises)

7. Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to any signs of fatigue, pain, or overtraining.

Rest and recovery are as crucial as training.

8. Gear and Shoes

Invest in a good pair of running shoes that fit well and provide proper support.

Wear appropriate clothing for the weather conditions.

Consider moisture-wicking fabrics to keep you dry and comfortable.

9. Practice Nutrition During Long Runs

Train your body to take in fuel and hydration during long runs.

Experiment with energy gels, chews, or sports drinks to find what works best for you.

The Purpose of the Long Run

10. Mental Preparation

Mental strength is vital. Practice positive visualization and mental toughness strategies to stay focused during challenging moments.

11. Rest and Recovery

Don’t underestimate the power of rest and sleep.

Your body needs time to recover and rebuild after intense workouts.

12. Seek Support

Consider joining a running group or finding a training partner for motivation and accountability.

Remember, consistency is key. Stick to your training plan, stay patient, and don’t push yourself too hard too soon.


Matea Matošević

Hi, I’m Matea! I’m an Olympic Marathon Runner, founder, and writer behind OLYRUN.com. On this site, I provide help in the form of my knowledge and experience to all who love running and active living. Read more…