Hill Training (8 Best Hill Running Workouts)
In this article, I will explain in detail everything you need to know about hill training to be able to include it in your training plan.
In this article, I will explain in detail everything you need to know about hill training to be able to include it in your training plan.
In this article, I will explain in detail each of the conditions which answer the question is hill running better than running on flat ground.
One type of hill running workout is the climb, also known as the long hill run. In this article, you will find out all about the long hill run.
If you are a beginner, you probably have a lot of questions and you are not sure what types of training are advisable. So, should beginners run hills?
Don’t worry. You are not alone. Most runners don’t like hill running. In this article, you will find out why hill running is so hard and how to make it easier.
In this article, you will find out what happens if you stop during a long run and what are the consequences on the workout overall.
What happens to your body if you run for 2 hours? In this article, I will answer in detail if it is good to run for 2 hours.
In this article, you will find out what are the main differences between easy run and long run.
You will find long runs in almost every training plan. However, how long is too long for a long run? You will find the answer in this article.
After only two minutes of running, you are out of breath and are forced to stop. In this article, I will answer why can’t you run longer and how to fix that.
In this article, I will answer the question of how heavy is too heavy to run and give you some tips on how overweight runners can safely, without injuries.
In this article, I will answer in detail the question of whether it is better to run longer or more often.
In this article, I answered in detail the question of whether running increases your height.
In this article, I will show you examples of isometric exercises for runners, as well as the reasons why you should include them in your training plan.
In this article, I will go through the 8 muscles used in running. I will describe every muscle in detail and, with examples, show you how to strengthen them.
The marathon race is ideal for runners who have already run several half marathon races and enjoy long-distance running. But you are probably wondering what is a good marathon finish time?
In this article, you will find what is the average half marathon time according to age, sex, and ability level.
In this article, you will find what is the average 10K time according to age, sex, and ability level.
In this article, you will find what is the average 5K time according to age, sex, and ability level.
Perhaps you are not a fan of uphill running, but you must have heard numerous times how desirable it is to include hill running into your training plan?
Have you ever took a walk break during a run? In this article, you will learn if it is bad to take walk breaks and how they affect your performance.
Reaching the destination is impossible unless you know where you want to go. To keep you on a track I created the ultimate guide to setting running goals.